Thursday, February 28, 2008

from inside "The Ferris Wheel" -- an essay (2)

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And then i think it is QUEER that a contemporary tanka anthology does NOT contain these writers and poems as follows:

if you wash a hose
do until its spirit
gets clear
if you love a person
do it till you think to kill one
----Kunio Tsukamoto

a horse galloped
into winter mist
and vanished
i only prosper children
being here and continuously
----Taeko Kuzuhara

i wonder
what's this calmness is,
after the sun is headed
it remains purple
in the big sky
----Ken Kasugai

Bunmei Tsuchiya.
Chieko Yamanaka.

at the apex of a lung
there burns a flower
of convoluvulus,
telling to my patient,
my words tend to bend
----Takashi Okai

when i hug her
there remains moisture
in her hair,
she sais the beauty
of the rain in a field

Fumiko Nakajo.

the breast,
so far
like a cape.
shit! till when
my boyhood keeps?
----Kazuhiro Nagata

(besides, Yuko Kawano, Nagata's wife's corresponding tanka is in the anthology.)

Tatsuhiko Ishii.
Ryuichiro Fujiwara.
(These 2 writers' works are different in the difficulty of translation from other contemporary writers, i agree.)

so early
return you
your lily vase,
though you showed me
such an expression.
----Jiro Kato

abolision of the village,
tells the typography, and is blurred
where touches
pealed peach skin.
...come to me.
----Naoko Higashi

we sleep
in the last bus
scheduled tonight
surrounded by purple signs
"get off the bus"
----Hiroshi Homura

Shion Mizuhara.
Mikako Umenai.
Tatsuhide Semba.
Kouichi Masuno.
and several writers in younger generation, and so on.

(in this post all tanka was translated by Numatani.)

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